The first protest against the murder of Khushogi, the Prince, in Tunisia

Tunisian citizens made the first protests in the Arab world against Muhammad bin Salman, the successor to the Saudi throne on the killing of journalist Jamal Khasogi.

On Tuesday, when the Prince of Yemen went to Tunisia, protests broke out in protest. This demonstration is similar to the rare event in Saudi Arabia. Because he has never had to face public criticism till now.

Apart from this Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt, he has received a spectacular reception.

In the beginning of the Arab Spring in 2011, the rise of the common people has led to the decline of many dictators of the Arab world. After this, democratic transition occurred in Tunisia.

Tunisia is the only country to allow protests against Saudi Prince President Barack Obama has welcomed Yuvraj at Tunis airport, the country's president, Bagai Qaid al-Issabashi.

In a speech on Tunisia television, Yuvraj said that Tunisia has a long standing relationship with Saudi Arabia. I can not come to North Africa without touring Tunisia. Because the Tunisian president feels like a father to me.

Tunisian President stressed on improving relations with Saudi Arabia But Tunisia's relationship with Saudi Arabia is not friendly on the streets.

On the second day of protests against Yuvraj, hundreds of protesters went to Habib Bourguiba Avenue with a procession. In 2011, there was a protest in the Avenue against the dictator Zainul Abedin Bin Ali. Later, it collapsed.

Protesters slogan at this time - a murderer will not be welcomed in Tunisia. The Tunisian regime should be ashamed of welcoming the King.


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